Cheap UCF: Toronto Cybercide Discount Review Shop
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Cheap "UCF: Toronto Cybercide" Discount Review Shop
"UCF: Toronto Cybercide" Overview
UCF: Toronto Cybercide' is a low-budget short, telling a crime story in a post-infocrash world. Technology was advancing to the point of a large global information network when in 2078, that network suddenly and permanently went offline. The world is left in shambles, and the survivors are slowly rebuilding. Cybernetic technology, seen as the cause of the crash but still necessary in the reconstruction, is a grey area in society. The Unified Cybernetics Foundation (UCF) has been created to limit the misuse of cybernetic technology, and control the amount of hate crimes that has been growing in the few civilized areas established throughout North America.
The year is 2106. A killer is on the loose, targeting cybernetic interfaces. A Marshal from the Foundation is sent to assist two Toronto detectives with solving the mystery of the killer's identity, and neutralizing the threat. The plot is further complicated when a local crime boss decides to stake an interest in whatever Foundation secrets may be uncovered.
The future of crime is here. The future of justice is ready.
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