Cheap Ammunition Discount Review Shop
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Cheap "Ammunition" Discount Review Shop
"Ammunition" Overview
I set out one night without any specific plan or goal but just to edit some old voice & sound samples and see what I could come up with. Eight months later I finished Ammunition, an hour long audio visual collage. I just suddenly really got into creating this - it was a lot of fun and it kind of took on a life of it's own......I filmed, sampled, downloaded & recorded what I selected and created from my immediate world around me and cut it into Ammunition. The main components are US 1950's advertorial films, guides to 'better' living and government propaganda from the Prelinger Internet Archives; footage and sound I captured in my backyard and studio in South Australia; the music of Andrew Muecke and Happy Ghosts. The 'blurb' goes like this....Ammunition takes the viewer on a wild and dreamy ride from the everyday world to the fantastic and beyond. From sublime moments of floating in space through the beauty and harshness of the natural world to jarring explosions and crashes of the American dream. Ammunition is a non-narrative, abstract film. It's otherworldly, surreal , beat and funny. Selected for the New York Independent Film Festival & short listed for the Byron Bay Film Festival.
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Cheap "Ammunition" Discount Review Shop
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