Cheap STOP Discount Review Shop
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Cheap "STOP" Discount Review Shop
"STOP" Overview
In a quantum universe, timelines are like the branches of a tree. Each moment gives birth to an infinite number of possible futures, and each future exists in a separate timeline. In a timeline different from ours, the Cuban missile crisis was not resolved peacefully, but instead resulted in a global nuclear war. Years into the future, quantum time travel technology is developed and John Foster is sent back to stop the war. An agent of Special Time Operations (STOp), he is able to get information to John F. Kennedy that allows JFK to defuse the Cuban Missile Crisis.
In the present, an agent of STOp is sent to our time to avert another nuclear disaster. 24 hours from his arrival a quantum explosion will wipe out the west coast of North America.
STOP is a 0 spy-fi epic written and directed by Malcolm Ferrier that tells the story of a special agent who travels back in time to the present to prevent a nuclear holocaust initiated by a professional assassin. A sci-fi action thriller shot in Vancouver and created using consumer-level production equipment, STOP embodies the new creative freedom given to low-budget digital moviemakers.
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