Cheap Goodnite Charlie Discount Review Shop
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Cheap "Goodnite Charlie" Discount Review Shop
"Goodnite Charlie" Overview
Goodnite Charlie is a compelling tale about a family from the projects of Brooklyn, NY. Charlie, a young thug, has become a major player in a street run criminal enterprise. Charlie's uncles, Kenneth (Psychologist who lives on Long Island) and Leon (a former thug and current fuctioning crack addict) and their struggle to save the nephew they helped raise. Kenneth taught Charlie the martial arts. Charlie uses his skills in the streets to gain respect. Charlie's other uncle Leon taught him how to handle himself in the gangster world. But now there is a problem. Charlie is nabbed in an undercover sting operation. The judge orders a 0,000 bail. The family pleads with Kenneth to put up his home and car as assets instead of money. Relunctantly Kenneth agrees. Charlie is freed but skips on his court date. Kenneth is about to lose everything unless he could hunt Charlie down and bring him to justice himself. The family finds themselves involved in a deadly game of death in which there can be no winners as each member choses sides. It is now family vs. family as one man's decision leads to the ultimate destruction.
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