Cheap transparent - PPR Discount Review Shop
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Cheap "transparent - PPR" Discount Review Shop
"transparent - PPR" Overview
DVD purchase price includes Public Performance Rights.
transparent is a documentary film about 19 female-to-male transsexuals from 14 different states who have given birth and, in most instances, gone on to raise their biological children. The film details these transmen and their children's extraordinary experiences with gender, biology and their every day life as a family. Through these incredible stories, the viewer gets a rare glimpse of life on both sides of the 'vast' gender divide, where basic assumptions about human nature, social roles and the essence of gender do not apply.
While all these transmen share the experience of going through childbirth, the film shows the diverse ways in which each individual reconciles this seemingly contradictory part of their history - giving birth - with their male identity. Some of the subjects were, in a sense, pregnant men, living and identifying as male at the time of conception and birth and did not let their pregnancy jeopardized their male status. Others felt a painful dissonance between their body and their identity. Their experiences with childbirth alone bridge the widest seemingly objective gap between the sexes - men's inability to give birth.
This product is manufactured on demand using DVD-R recordable media.'s standard return policy will apply.
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